Here at The Point Community Church we are "all about Jesus"! 

And we want to help you to get to know him too.

On the one hand, Jesus was a normal person who experienced life just like you and I. He lived in a real place in real time. He grew up in a family, worked a job, ate and drank, laughed and cried, lived and died. So Jesus is someone we can all easily relate to.

On the other hand, Jesus was also an extraordinary person. The things he did and said were so unique that they have been amazingly recorded and preserved to this day and they have changed the course of human history. So Jesus is someone we can all easily draw inspiration from.

But Jesus also claimed to be God, and this is where we want to invite you to check out the evidence for yourself. Our Life Course is especially designed to help you navigate the original documents of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection so that you can make an informed decision. It's a massive claim, that if true, demands our total allegiance and gives us incredible hope and joy.  

Today people all around the world continue to find encountering Jesus a life changing experience. You can hear about the difference Jesus makes by simply coming along to one of our regular church meetings where you will find it's "all about Jesus".